I’m reasonably sure several of you have a toke now and then. Perhaps even a cocktail. Some of you certainly like the punk rock and some the dirty blues. A handful of you would own up to enjoying (a smattering even making) porn and I daresay a few, ok, one of us used to like, pro-wrestling. (Steve Logan and 'Exotic' Adrian Street had something of a subliminal influence on a very young ht). Mike Edison has immersed himself in all of the above and has just written the funniest book I’ve read all year - I Have Fun Everywhere I Go: Savage Tales of Pot, Porn, Punk Rock, Pro Wrestling, Talking Apes, Evil Bosses, Dirty Blues, American Heroes, and the Most Notorious Magazines in the World (Faber & Faber). He tells about making his bones at Wrestling’s Main Event magazine, performing with GG Allin, drumming and touring with the Raunch Hands and Sharkey’s Machine, cranking out 28 stroke novels in mere days, organizing photo shoots for Cheri, writing those Penthouse 'letters', publishing the boo-boosting periodical High Times, working for and then replacing Screw’s Al Goldstein, editing Heeb, and much, much more. These days, he's holed up at the Hal Leonard Performing Arts Group comissioning and editing the Lemmy-approved, Eric Danville-compiled, Official Heavy Metal Book Of Lists on their Backbeat Books imprint and making monstrously over the top avant-blues albums with his Edison Rocket Train, assisted by downtown bluesbreaker, Jon Spencer. When I say Edison gets into his job, I’m not kidding. He gobbles it up - from the inside out - washes it down with a 6-pack and belches out funny story after funny story. Either buy the book or buy the Spencer-produced spoken word cd - although you could probably do with both.
nofo, i thought u'd like to know that the wiggly word verification letters i have 2 type in below spell 'jizoff'. !
Highly appropriate for an Edison comment, I think!
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